便携式UPS 电源介绍:
1. 该UPS可以通过充电器或者太阳能板充电
The UPS can be charged both by PV and AC/DC charger.
2. 该UPS的输出功率为1000W,可以为冰箱,洗衣机 ,电视,电风扇等提供电源
The output of UPS is 1000W. It can supply power for fridges, laundry machines, TVs, fans and so on.
3. 该UPS有3个DC 插头,2个USB口
The UPS has 3 *2.1 jack ports and 2 USB
4. 该UPS有LCD 显示屏,用户可随时查看电池和用电器的状态
There is a LCD screen on the UPS, which shows the conditions of the battery and applications.
5. 纯正玄波逆变器,可用于各种电器
The inverter in the UPS is with pure sine wave.
There is a MPPT controller in the UPS.
7. 充电指示灯:充电时,充电指示灯亮起。
The charge indicator: when charging, the charge indicator will turn on.